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How to cancel Nintendo Switch Online

Nintendo Switch Online has grown much more impressive over the years, but it’s still not a perfect fit for everyone. If you’ve grown bored with the service — or no longer want to deal with the monthly fees — here’s how to cancel your Nintendo Switch Online subscription.




5 minutes

The task can be performed either on your console or through the Nintendo website. Whichever method you choose, it’ll only take a few minutes to cancel your membership.

A menu on Nintendo Switch highlighting where to cancel your NSO subscription.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

How to cancel Nintendo Switch Online from your Switch console

If you’re already on your Switch, here’s the fastest way to cancel your NSO subscription.

Step 1: Head to the home screen.

Step 2: Enter the Nintendo eShop.

Step 3: Select your Profile from the top-right corner.

Step 4: Select Nintendo Switch Online from the menu.

Step 5: Click the big orange Terminate automatic renewal button.

Note: This will say "Membership Options" if you’re not signed up for automatic renewals. If this is the case, you’re all set – you’ll be able to use NSO until the end of your current payment cycle, at which point it will be canceled.

The profile menu on Nintendo's website with the link to cancel NSO highlighted.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

How to cancel Nintendo Switch Online using the official website

Canceling Nintendo Switch Online using the web is just as easy as canceling from your console. After navigating to, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Sign in and access your profile using the Log in button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Navigate to the Settings menu.

Step 3: Select Shop menu.

Step 4: Select Nintendo Switch Online.

Step 5: Select the Terminate automatic renewal option.

A person plays Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on a Nintendo Switch in handheld mode.

What's next?

Canceling your Nintendo Switch Online membership removes access to all its benefits. This includes access to online multiplayer, the NES and SNES catalogs, members-only discounts, and more. If you’re canceling because you no longer own a Switch, that’s not a big deal. But if you’re canceling because the benefits simply didn’t match up to the price tag, be sure to check the Nintendo website every few months -- the company is constantly upgrading the NSO service, and it could grow more appealing in the future.

Looking for some more information about Nintendo Switch Online? Check out our in-depth analysis that covers all aspects of the service, including membership tiers and member benefits.

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Jon Bitner
Jon Bitner is a writer covering consumer electronics, technology, and gaming. His work has been published on various websites…
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